The Hero's Journey: A Metaphor for Overcoming One's Demons

May 25, 2024 by S. R. Watts

Epic Fantasies are often captivating tales centered around heroes who embark on grand quests, battling formidable foes and ultimately triumphing over darkness. These stories serve as powerful metaphors for our own struggles, particularly when it comes to overcoming our personal demons related to past traumas or unresolved issues from our childhood. By examining the hero's journey, we can gain valuable insights into how we can face and conquer our internal challenges through the seven stages of the hero's journey, reflecting on how epic fantasies can provide a path to personal growth and healing.

1. The call to adventure

In epic fantasy, the call to adventure is often a dramatic event: a mysterious prophecy, a sudden attack, or the discovery of a hidden power. In our lives, this call can be more subtle yet equally compelling. It might manifest as a growing awareness of inner turmoil, a crisis, or the realization that something must change. This stage represents the moment when we recognize the need to address our personal struggles, whether they be fears, doubts, or past traumas that hinder our progression toward a more joyous state of being.

2. Crossing the threshold

Crossing the threshold marks the hero’s departure from the familiar world into the unknown. This is often marked by the protagonist leaving the familiarities of the city or village they grew up in to enter a foreboding part of their world they know nothing about. For those of us needing to conquer our demons, this crossing of the threshold can mean stepping out of our comfort zones, seeking help for the first time, or making a significant change in our lives that forces us to grow as a person. It’s a courageous step into uncharted territory, where the familiar routines and coping mechanisms are left behind in pursuit of something better.

3. The road of trials

The road of trials is the stage filled with obstacles and tests that the hero must overcome. In epic fantasy, these might take the form of battles with mythical creatures or solving complex riddles to get past a certain obstacle. In real life, though, these trials are the daily struggles and setbacks that come with personal growth. They can include taking steps to manage one’s emotions, confronting painful memories, or enduring the growing pains that come with self-improvement. Each trial will come with its own set of challenges that will seem daunting at first. However, they can provide opportunities for growth and resilience that we can’t get from remaining in our comfort zones.

4. Meeting the mentor and forging alliances

Heroes often encounter mentors who offer wisdom and guidance, as well as allies who support them on their journey. Just think about the many mentors and allies that Frodo Baggins had when he embarked on his journey to destroy the one ring in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. In our own lives, mentors and allies can be anyone who provides crucial advice and support—teachers, coaches, friends, or family members. Forging relationships and building a support network are equally important. Trusted friends and loved ones offer encouragement and a sense of belonging, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey.

5. Facing the abyss

The abyss represents the hero’s darkest moment, where they confront their greatest fears and doubts. In epic fantasy, this might be a climactic battle with the antagonist, a character they often feel wholly inadequate to face, given how intimidating and powerful they are compared to the hero. For us, facing the abyss involves confronting the deepest parts of our psyche—the trauma, the pain, the negative thoughts that hold us back from obtaining what we really want out of life. It’s a period of intense struggle, where the darkness feels overwhelming, but it’s also where the most profound transformation occurs should we have the courage to face it.

6. Transformation and revelation

After facing the abyss, the hero undergoes a transformation. They gain new insights, strengths, and a clearer sense of purpose, becoming more than they were at the start of their journey. For us, this stage is marked by breakthroughs and realizations. It’s the moment when our efforts start to make a significant impact, when coping strategies begin to work, and when a deeper understanding of ourselves is achieved. This transformation brings a newfound resilience and a sense of empowerment as we realize just how much we have grown, instilling within us a brighter hope for the days that are to come.

7. Return with the elixir

Finally, after having endured the long journey, the hero in epic fantasy returns to their world with the elixir, a symbol of their victory and the wisdom they’ve gained. For us, the elixir is the knowledge and tools acquired during our journey. It’s the ability to manage our lives more effectively, the strength to face challenges, and the compassion to help others who may be facing a similar struggle to conquer their own demons. This stage signifies not only personal growth but also the capacity to contribute positively to our community, as the example we set will undoubtedly inspire others who are contemplating how they will proceed with their own journey.


Using the hero's journey as a metaphor for overcoming one’s demons provides a powerful framework for understanding and navigating the path to personal growth and healing. It reminds us that, like the heroes in epic fantasy, we are capable of overcoming our own struggles in life, enabling us to emerge stronger and wiser from our challenges. Each stage of the journey—from the call to adventure to returning with the elixir—reflects the challenges and triumphs we experience as we strive for a better life. By embracing this metaphor, we can find courage and hope in our own epic quests for a life of dignity and fulfillment. A life that bards from the ancient world would say is worthy of song and story.